Women earn six to ten percent less than men

A woman signs an employment contract (symbolic photo)

A woman signs an employment contract (symbolic photo) Photo: picture alliance/dpa

From BZ/dpa

Last year, women in Berlin and Brandenburg received an average of six to ten percent less hourly wages than men.

The wage gap is thus significantly smaller than the national average with a difference in earnings of 18 percent, as the Office for Statistics announced on Monday.

According to the authorities in Berlin, women earned an average of EUR 22.54 gross per hour, and men an average of EUR 25.02. This results in a wage gap, the so-called gender pay gap, of around 10 percent.

In Brandenburg, the wage gap was smaller. With an average gross hourly wage of EUR 18.58, women received around six percent less than their male colleagues (EUR 19.71).

The greatest differences in earnings were found in the 45 to 49 age group: women in Berlin received 17 percent less than men, women in Brandenburg 15 percent less.

According to the Federal Statistical Office, the gender-specific pay gap has narrowed over the years. In 2006 it was still 23 percent. The statistics office explains almost two-thirds of the recognized wage gap with higher part-time quotas and lower salaries in some female-typical professions.

An adjusted gap (adjusted gender pay gap) of around 7 percent of the gross hourly wage remains without a clear explanation. According to the statistics office, a comparison of the earnings gap with the previous year is only possible to a limited extent due to a new survey method and a changed data source.


