Women and financial resources: how to go from savers to investors?

Antonella Baccaro (photo by Carlo Furgeri Gilbert).

D.onne and finance. Where are we in the relationship between women and money management?

We asked ourselves this in one of the workshops they animated, last Friday in Rome, Goal 5an in-depth campus on gender equality.

Valuable indications came from a survey conducted on a sample of 9,500 women between 18 and 65 in the Western world by eToro, the social investment platform with 25 million registered users.

The positive news is that the new generations suffer less than the previous ones the dilemma of how to manage their own resources.

Although it is still difficult for women to have access to the world of work and therefore have an income of their own to manage, whoever gets it raises the question of how to make it bear fruit.

The new investors mostly belong to the younger group. Thanks to the motivational boost produced by the pandemic, two years ago 31 per cent of women between 18 and 24 and 32 per cent of the age group between 25 and 34 years respectively began to invest.

They have done so by consolidating interesting trends, in particular the use of social media in the search for information, the exchange of ideas between friends and parentsie the need for confirmation of one’s insights not necessarily drawn from professional consultants.

It is also curious how the younger ones are launching into less traditional sectors, such as equities and bonds, moving instead to cryptocurrencies and alternative investments.

When asked “what can push women to start investing”, 50 percent of the sample replied “financial education”which is understood here as all the notions available on the Internet and social networks, or through female models, in short, testimonials.

Only a third of the sample thinks that school education can make a difference. We disagree on this point: the allocation of personal resources is such a serious matter that it is not possible to delegate it to no less specific sources than the Internet.

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All articles by Antonella Baccaro

