Woman whose fire broke out ‘collected everything’, neighbors warned earlier

The neighbors of the house on Taalstraat in Vught, where a fire broke out on Monday morning, warned the municipality about a fire risk earlier. According to local residents, the 82-year-old resident was a so-called hoarder. “She collected everything she could find from the bin. It was no surprise that one day a fire would break out.”

The woman is believed to have been in the house when the fire broke out. Emergency services have not found her yet. The house is too unstable, so the fire brigade cannot enter.

Neighbor Jo van Gelder (61) had to leave his house early in the morning. “Out, so they called. There was also honking. So we immediately grabbed the dog and ran outside.” He has not been allowed to enter his house since five o’clock on Monday morning and has been taken care of by local residents.

“It was a hermit”, Jo describes the neighbor. “We have often warned the municipality.” He said there had been a gas leak in the house before.

“Sad for such an old lady.”

Catering entrepreneur Niels van der Bijl was woken up by sirens. “From my bedroom window I saw the spreading fire. Very sad for such an old lady.” According to him, the woman was known in the area. “We saw her walking out at the craziest times. She was quite alone. It is very pathetic.” According to him, the woman has two children, who also live in Vught.

“I was very shocked,” says Els Simon. “This is very sad for that old woman. She was a special woman, who was very private. She had little contact with the neighborhood.” She was always around, Simon knows. “She was always out with a sweeper, always cleaning.”

“This should never have happened.”

“The building could not be saved. The flames were sticking out, especially at the back. It looked intense,” says Eline Bijveld. “It is a great shame for herself, the house and the neighbors. This should not have happened.”

The municipality of Vught has been asked to respond to the story that the neighbors had warned of a fire hazard in this house. The council would come later with this.

ALSO READ: Raging fire in the house in Vught, resident may still be inside
