Woman who stabbed her sister to death and livestreamed it is allowed on unescorted leave

23-year-old Bouchra D. from Den Bosch, who killed her sister Anouk with 88 stab wounds, is regularly allowed to take unescorted leave. Since her conviction, she has lived in a psychiatric clinic in Amsterdam where she is being treated. She also has to take medication and is not allowed to contact Anouk’s father. According to her lawyer, she is doing ‘very well considering the circumstances’.

Bouchra first stabbed her sister in their home in Den Bosch on October 23, 2021. Anouk was able to flee to the neighbors, but the stabbing continued there and she died from her injuries. The neighbor’s dog also had to suffer. Bouchra filmed the stabbing live on Instagram. She told the court that ‘voices in her head told her to kill Anouk’.

According to experts, Bouchra suffers from schizophrenia and was in a psychosis when she attacked her sister. They state that there is a high chance of recurrence if she is not treated for her psychological problems. The Public Prosecution Service (OM) demanded TBS with compulsory treatment, but according to the court that could actually be harmful.

“In such an environment there are fewer opportunities to recover. The use of medication can reduce the risk of recurrence,” the judge said. That is why TBS was imposed with conditions. Bouchra had to be admitted to a psychiatric research clinic. So that happens, and she enjoys many freedoms. In practice, this means that she has unaccompanied leave, but she must report at agreed times.

Compulsory nursing
The Public Prosecution Service had appealed against the judge’s ruling, because it wants Bouchra to receive TBS with compulsory treatment and to be admitted to a secure clinic. This week a first, preliminary hearing was held at the court. Relatives were also present. Bouchra was also there, she stayed with her family in Den Bosch the night before.

During the hearing, her lawyer urged the Public Prosecution Service to withdraw the appeal. According to her, the treatment her client is currently following is working well. Yet something has gone wrong before. In May there was a ‘disruption’ around her in Bouchra’s clinic, although it is not entirely clear what happened. This did lead to ‘nasty reactions’ on social media.

‘Medicines are working’
“After that, her behavior clearly changed,” Bouchra’s lawyer said. “She follows the treatments, has good contact with the staff and the medicines are also working. But she experiences the case at court as dark clouds and the sword of Damocles. It leads to a lot of tension.”

The Public Prosecution Service does not intend to withdraw the appeal, although the Advocate General was cautious. He first wants to have Bouchra observed, in the clinic in Amsterdam or in another institution. He also believes that Anouk’s biological father should be heard.

The Netherlands Probation Service and the psychiatric clinic cannot or do not want to provide any explanation. A spokesperson on behalf of the family said that the relatives find the appeal procedure ‘quite intense’ and need some rest.


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