Woman steals 5,000 euros from ex-employer thanks to empty receipts

Woman steals 5,000 euros from ex-employer thanks to empty receipts

According to the accountant, she stole for 50,000 euros, but the judge kept it at just under 5,000 euros.

At the end of November 2021, the bookkeeper of De Kleine Bassin in Kortrijk established a large difference between the number of empties returned and the number of empties receipts paid out. The manager then decided to unobtrusively mark all receipts with a pencil line. Barely a few days later, there was a receipt worth 195 euros without a stripe in the cash register.

Defendant VB appeared on the camera images. She walked around the store for a while and then went to the cash register to get a receipt paid out. The woman had worked for a while at De Kleine Bassin and had taken a booklet full of empty coupons with her when she left. She regularly visited the store to cash in stolen receipts.

Out of money

The woman said she acted out of money. She stated that she had stolen a maximum of 5,400 euros, but according to the bookkeeper of De Kleine Bassin it was about 50,000 euros. The court in Kortrijk kept it at 4,895 euros in its verdict. The woman must repay that amount to her former employer. She was also sentenced to eight months suspended prison sentence and an effective fine of 1,000 euros.
