Woman shames cheating man with full-page advertisement | Abroad

Jenny chose the local newspaper Mackay and Withsunday Life to share her anger. She reported in capital letters: “Dear Steve, I hope you are happy with her. Now the whole city knows what a nasty cheater you are,” read the Australian newspaper, which is read by just over 50,000 people.

Called editors several times

In a post on Facebook, the newspaper wrote that no further details on the matter would be released, despite the great interest of readers. According to the Mackay and Withsunday Life, the editors were called several times to inquire about Jenny and Steve. So that turned out to be unsuccessful.

‘Jenny’ allegedly had the ad placed through the online portal. How much she was willing to pay for the ad has not been disclosed. It has become clear that the ad was eventually placed for free, because the name on the credit card did not match the name of the person who had the ad placed.

“Apparently he did something very, very bad”

The editors of the local newspaper write: “We do NOT know who Steve is, but apparently he has done something very, very bad.”


Readers of the newspaper have now announced their support for Jenny on Facebook. One writes: “Oh, I wish I had done that when my husband left me for someone else.” Another writes: “Hopefully this will help. Put it on, girl!”

A number of readers were less enthusiastic and think this is a publicity stunt: “Good way to get more likes and readers on your page,” someone writes.
