‘Woman seriously assaulted by Uber driver after queer party’ | Inland

“I have five stitches above my eyebrow and part of my head is numb,” says 23-year-old Sophie, still somewhat dazed on Monday morning. The young woman (her last name is known to the editors of Het Parool) had been to a queer party at Pllek in Noord together with her date, who is also called Sophie. After the party, they decided to take an Uber home.

During the ride, according to Sophie, there was soon a “weird atmosphere.” “I wasn’t feeling well, so I kind of hung out of the window, but I didn’t have to throw up,” she says. “I also gave my date a kiss in the back seat.” Once they arrived at her date’s house in the center of town, things caught fire. The driver became angry because one of the ladies had spit under the car, but according to the two women nothing could be seen. That’s why they suspected it was the kiss they gave each other.

The driver did not allow the pair to enter the apartment by standing in the doorway. “Then he grabbed me and pushed me outside,” Sophie tells Het Parool. She slammed into a steel railing and fell to the ground. She forgot everything that followed. The driver quickly took off, while her friend (also called Sophie) had called the ambulance. “The police were already on their way, because the driver had called them because he thought we had spit on his car.”

Numb head

On Sunday, Sophie went to see the neurologist to check the part of her head that was still numb. “There is probably nerve damage from the blow afterwards. Whether that will recover is the question.” She will file a complaint on Wednesday. Uber has told her to “share all information with the police”.

Police confirm that there has been an incident between an Uber driver and two women. “But we are reluctant to label it as an LGBTQ incident,” a spokesperson told the Amsterdam newspaper. ,,It is very annoying for this woman, but there are two sides to a story. After the report, we will investigate and we may be able to say more about it.”
