Woman is killed by a tree in the parking lot

An ambulance from the fire brigade is driving on a street (symbolic photo)

Rescuers had tried to revive the woman, but she succumbed to her severe injuries on the spot (symbolic photo) Photo: picture alliance/dpa/dpa-Zentralbild

From BZ/dpa

Terrible accident on Sunday! A woman was hit and fatally injured by a falling tree in a parking lot at the Museumsdorf Glashütte in the Teltow-Fläming district.

Despite attempts by the emergency doctor and fire department to revive her, the woman died at the scene of the accident on Sunday, the police said on Monday. According to the current state of investigation, the woman is said to have walked past a parked car when the falling tree caught her.

The vehicle was damaged, the police estimate the property damage at around 5000 euros. The investigations are ongoing.


Police Brandenburg Teltow-Fläming
