Woman found alive who went missing as a baby 40 years ago after parents murdered | Abroad

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton reports this. Holly Clouse – aka ‘Baby Holly’ – was last seen by her family in the late 1980s. Her parents, Tina and Harold Clouse, were found murdered on January 12, 1981 in the countryside near Houston. Only decades later, with the help of DNA technology, could it be established with certainty that the bodies found were indeed Harold and Tina. Harold had been beaten to death, Tina strangled. Their child was not found among their remains.

The circumstances of the murder of Holly’s parents and her own disappearance are still under speculation. Holly was raised by a family who adopted her. But more information has not yet been released about Holly’s life from her disappearance to now. It was not clear who took Holly after the murders or how she ended up in the care of the adoptive family. Holly’s current identity has also not been revealed.

The Texas newspaper Houston Chronicle did report that Holly first heard who she is from the mouth of the researchers at work on Tuesday. It is not known how the researchers arrived at Holly, or whether she contributed in any way to their investigation.

According to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC), Holly hopes to meet her biological family in person soon. “While she realizes that many people are interested in hearing more about her and her story, she is requesting privacy at this time,” the NCMEC said.

‘Gift from heaven’

Harold and Tina’s surviving relatives were naturally delighted to hear that Holly is still alive and living in Oklahoma. “Finding Holly is a gift from heaven,” her grandmother told USA Today. “I’ve prayed for answers for over 40 years and the Lord listened: we found Holly.”

An aunt, on the other hand, had mixed feelings. “I believe Tina is now finally resting in peace knowing that Holly will be reunited with her family,” she said. “Personally I am relieved to know that Holly is alive and well and well cared for. But I also feel torn: that baby was Tina’s life.”

The investigation into the murder of Holly’s birth parents remains open.
