Woman attacked at home and held at gunpoint: 4 years in prison

A 19-year-old Rotterdammer was sentenced to four years in prison on Friday for a violent robbery of the resident of a house in Gemonde. He called in April, along with another man, who has still not been caught. He pretended to be a parcel deliverer.

When the woman opened the door, the men hit her in the head with a gun, threatened her and dragged the victim to the upstairs bedroom.

There, too, the woman was held at gunpoint with the loaded weapon. The robber threatened to shoot her if she didn’t say where she kept her valuables.

Mouth and eyes taped shut
Then he tied her wrists and ankles together and taped her mouth and eyes shut. The victim was eventually forced to lie down on the couch in the living room. She would be shot if she left.

The perpetrators made off with jewellery, cash, a laptop, game console, bags, clothing and bottles of perfume.

Still traumatized
The woman is still traumatized. She no longer dares to stay at home alone and also feels unsafe on the street.

The 19-year-old man must also pay compensation to the woman of just under 13,000 euros.

READ ALSO: Armed robbery at home in Gemonde: perpetrators threaten resident
