Wolter Kroes supports Danny de Munk and Marco Borsato: ‘But not Ali B’

Wolter Kroes firmly believes in the innocence of his discredited colleagues Danny de Munk and Marco Borsato, but remains critical of Ali B. “I have a different feeling about that.”


Most celebrities keep aloof from the discussion about discredited celebrities, but Wolter Kroes is a bit more casual. He said at the beginning of February that he no longer had any respect for Ali B and last month extended his support to Danny de Munk, who, according to him, is too sweet to rape someone.

‘This is disgusting’

It disturbs Wolter immensely how his colleagues are broken, he says in the Weekend. “I’m disgusted by this smear to tell the truth honestly. I think it’s really bad. Really bad. For Danny de Munk I put my hand in the fire. I don’t believe he raped anyone.”

He continues: “And I don’t believe Marco Borsato assaulted girls either. That doesn’t work for me. I’ve known those guys for 35 years.”

sabbed down

People should not underestimate how badly Danny is now being hit, says Wolter. “Danny has a rape report. What do you think something like that does to his family and career? I think he’s an insanely sweet boy. I’ve known him for so long. And then he gets scuttled like that. He admits that he cheated on himself.”

And what does he think about Ali B now? “I have a different feeling about that, but I’m not going to comment on that. I’m afraid he really is the jack of all trades in this story. He is going to have an exciting time.”
