Wolter Kroes faces financial drama after car accident: ‘Punishable’

According to the stars of Shownieuws, Wolter Kroes is in for a financial drama now that he has caused a serious car accident. “Driving through a red light is a criminal offence. He has to pay.”

© HLF8

Not only his own car, but also that of an oncoming car total loss: Wolter Kroes caused a serious car accident on the N246 in Wormerveer. He says in RTL Boulevard that he sees the red traffic light over the head saw, but he qualifies that – apparently after a warning from someone close to him – at Shownieuws.

Orange or red?

What about according to Wolter? “I drove back home from my office. I was driving at an intersection. I wanted to turn up my windshield wipers, I looked at my dashboard and at that moment I was already at that intersection and the light was already orange, so I probably went through a red light without realizing it.”

The damage is enormous. “My car was picked up by a damage company and it was taken to Mercedes-Benz in Aalsmeer, so we now have to wait and see what the damage is, but yes, to be honest: I am not at all interested in what is going on with that car. car. I’m just glad that the people who were in the other car are okay.”

‘Also an option’

What has Wolter learned from this? “I definitely learned from it. So in this bad weather you really shouldn’t drive a low sports car.”

Show news presenter Annemarie Brüning: “Or maybe don’t drive through a red light, eh? That is also an option.”

Private boss Evert Santegoeds: “That is certainly an explanation that it would have happened that way. He doesn’t know what it will cost him, he says, but in any case it won’t stop at the recovery company that brings that car to Aalsmeer. I actually hope he’s not watching, because I have so much bad news for him that he won’t sleep anymore tonight.”

In the papers

Is it that bad? Yes, says Evert. “It’s going to be expensive. This afternoon he was still very cheerful. He said: ‘I have all-risks insurance, the other party has all-risks insurance.’ But driving through a red light is not very appreciated by the insurance company and then you end up with that policy, with that even smaller print.”

And according to him, they are not happy. “It simply says: ‘If you commit a criminal offence…’ – and driving through a red light is just part of that – then the insurance simply says: take a look at it. And not only that. They do pay out to the other party and then recover it from you. That could still increase a bit.”

Full amount

Bram Moszkowicz thinks that Wolter should be concerned if he has actually driven through a red light. “If that is the case, they will pay out to the other party and recover the full amount from him.”

Annemarie: “But he actually says that he drove through a red light.”

Bram: “Yes, he has doubts about that, but that remains to be determined, I think. Once that is established, Evert’s story will be true.”


Wolter shares the intense images on Instagram:
