Wolf goes after a filming cyclist at Park de Hoge Veluwe | Veluwe

The wolf shows itself again in front of people at Park de Hoge Veluwe. Images are circulating on social media of a cyclist filming how an animal, which bears great resemblance to the wolf, dives out of the bushes and runs after the cyclist.

It is not known who made the images. It is known where they were made, namely on a bicycle path next to the Wildbaanweg in Park de Hoge Veluwe. In the park, a wolf recently showed itself remarkably close to people. Several experts believe that it is also a wolf in this case, although there are doubts about this. Whether this is the same wolf as in the earlier video is not certain.

“It looks like a wolf, yes,” says Glenn Lelieveld of the Mammal Society when seeing the images. Niko Koffeman of the De Faunabescherming Foundation also dares to do that.

,,This is probably about the ‘tame’ wolf that we have also seen appear in films before. People who suggest that it is a dog believe that a wolf does not move at all. But the wolf from the earlier videos moved the same way.”


“You also see that it is not an attack. The animal rather quietly follows the cyclist. He thinks hey people, I have to be there for tasty snacks. The wolf also seems a bit thicker than normal. That is because those animals are probably fed additionally in the Veluwe.”

Recently, the park came up with a plan to shoot the wolf with paintball guns if it gets too close to people. The Fauna Protection threatens to go to court if the province of Gelderland does not suspend this exemption.
