Wolf Alice postpone Germany tour 2022 – here are the new dates

Wolf Alice from London actually wanted to tour Germany with their current album BLUE WEEKEND in February. No surprise: due to the ongoing corona pandemic, the dates are being postponed and are now to be brought closer in November. Presented by Musikexpress.

Wolf Alice’s new concert dates 2022 — Musikexpress presents:

  • February 14, 2022 Cologne, Luxor
  • 02/17/2022 Hamburg, Bad & Dangerous
  • February 26, 2022 Munich, technical center
  • February 27, 2022 Berlin, boiler house
  • 09.11.Cologne, canteen
  • 11.11. Hamburg, Mojo Club
  • 21.11. Berlin, boiler house
  • 22.11.Munich, Muffathalle

More info at www.meltbooking.com.

ME author André Boße wrote about the current third album by Wolf Alice:

“This band combines commercial success and critical acclaim, the second record VISIONS OF A LIFE won the Mercury Prize in 2018, the award that really counts.”

For him, it is Ellie Rowsell’s voice and her songwriting in particular that characterize the band’s sound:

“The key is vocalist and guitarist Ellie Rowsell, who can do a lot of things. She is a storyteller who tells the close-by-ear story of Delicious Things, an account of addiction and temptation in Los Angeles. In these moments, Rowsell is reminiscent of English pop pros like Sarah Nixey from Black Box Recorder or Sarah Cracknell from Saint Etienne. A song later, on “Lipstick On The Glass,” her voice flies into the registers that Liz Fraser of the Cocteau Twins used to describe it as “Voice of God.”

Watch the video “Delicious Things” here:


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