Witte Leeuw in Almelo: “Telstar returns to IJmuiden with a 2-0 win”

Telstar has been in Sebastiaan Weel’s heart for about 35 years, but the Telstar fan now lives in Almelo. That is the city where his wife grew up and she is a big fan of Heracles. Both teams will face each other tonight. “It’s been going on all week at home,” says Sebastiaan.

Anass Najah is shown the yellow card – Orange Pictures

“Our daughters are also for Heracles, so I am in a minority at home, but Telstar goes home with the victory. Mike Snoei (trainer Telstar, ed.) is better off than the trainer of Heracles. In Almelo they have a very good had had the first half of the season, but since the match against Young AZ (1-1) it has been very difficult. The Scandinavian wingers are wonderfully out of shape and tactically it is not strong with the coach of Heracles. “

“Tactically it is not strong with the trainer of Heracles”

Telstar fan Sebastiaan Weel

If Telstar wants to win in Almelo, then Friday evening is the perfect opportunity, according to Weel. The born IJmonder praises the contribution of trainer Mike Snoei. “He has brought a few good players such as Apau and Oude Kotte to Velsen-Zuid. If you are now in the middle bracket with Telstar and you are participating in the play-offs, then that deserves a compliment”.

Christos Giousis (r) scores 1-0 for Telstar – Orange Pictures from eleven meters


We predict thinks Telstar will surprise in Almelo. “Telstar goes to IJmuiden with a 2-0 victory. In the first half Christos Giousis makes one and in the second half Glynor Plet will hurt his old club by deciding the match.”

“Friendships are formed and that’s how you become a passionate Telstar fan”

Telstar fan Sebastiaan Weel

Telstar fan for 35 years

Sebastiaan’s love for Telstar has been present for a long time. As a 10-year-old boy he was allowed to take penalties in the Telstar stadium against Florian Vyent. He has been a big fan of the club ever since. “A few years later I was taken away by my neighbor and that’s how the love for Telstar has grown. It’s a feeling. It either grabs you or it doesn’t. Otherwise football supporters will understand. Friendships are formed and that’s how you become passionate Telstar- fan.”

The match between Heracles Almelo and Telstar can be heard live on NH Radio tonight. In addition, we will keep you informed about the game Willem II – Jong Ajax. The kick-off is at 8 p.m. and the broadcast starts at 7 p.m.
