Without television megaphone, Waterloo dissipates

Just raised MEP for C’s Jordi Canasin the matinees of Gemma Nierga from La 2 (‘Cafè d’idees’) a very interesting topic: the evanescence, dissipation or eclipse of every political leader when the television channel that made propaganda for him and gave him visibility camouflaged as information or news leaves him.

Jordi Cañas addressed this issue when Gemma Nierga asked him: «Puigdemont, who is a MEP like you, do you think he will return in 2023?», and the politician replied: «Let him come whenever he wants. Nobody is going to stop you. She has run out of echo. One is King while people believe that he is sitting on a throne. When people see that he is in a simple chair, he stops being King ». oh! Remarkable observation. Man, the admired Cañas is very sensitive to this evanescence and political dissipation because precisely his party, C’s, is on the verge of extinction; but he is right when—perhaps to console himself—he looks towards Waterloo. He has failed to specify, yes.

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When he says that Waterloo has run out of echo, he really means that TV-3 has run out of megaphone, momentum and television visibility. An example from today. This demonstration that has been cooked up since Waterloo and that Omnium, the ANC, Junts and the CUP are preparing against the Franco-Spanish summit on the 19th, this tantrum exhibition advertisement, I told them, received on TV-3, on Sunday’s ‘TN vespre’, barely a one-minute mention. A brushstroke lost inside the news bulletin. But since ERC has now also signed up – I suppose swallowing toads and snakes – it turns out that in the ‘TN migdía’ on Monday they changed and highlighted it in the Summary – which is the most important news selection of the day – and inside they devoted twice as many minutes to it as on Sunday. In other words, on TV-3 they did not attach any importance to the Waterloo initiative until it was learned that ERC would also participate.

Ooh! It seems that in ‘la seva’ the times when they focused on Waterloo every day dissipate. They even went so far as to advertise the Cosell de la República payment card camouflaged as news, when in reality it was a pure and simple teleshopping ‘spot’. Cañas’ warning about the absence of an echo is relevant and verifiable today. Waterloo, on TV-3, little by little, vanishes.
