Without language we are all nothing – new season of the LH3 podcast!

Anette Baumgärtner, Professor of Speech Therapy at the University of Luebeck, mainly works with patients who have to relearn how to speak due to brain damage following a stroke. But it also happens that she is sitting across from a lisping radio editor. She works with Nane Kratze, Professor of Computer Science and Business Information Systems at the Technical University of Lübeck, to find out how she deals with these different requirements, where the limits of her work are and how folk songs and computer programs can support her. Without his discipline, many programs would not even exist and this podcast would not exist either. However, he makes it abundantly clear that the programming language has much more to offer than codes and source texts and also surprises Daniela Bartels, music teacher at the, with multilingualism and apple pie Music Academy in Lübeck. Thanks to their work, it becomes clear that the music is also much more complex than we might initially assume. It knows its own language and is not universal per se. So it must always be experienced in a new and practical way. And at the end of the conversation, the only question that remains is whether we really are all nothing without language…

Moderated by Vivian Upmann, press spokeswoman for the University of Lübeck, the podcast from Lübeck to the power of 3 once a month topics of research, culture and society. Representatives of the three universities involved in the project (Lübeck University of Music, Lübeck University of Applied Sciences and Lübeck University of Applied Sciences) and, depending on the topic, an expert as a guest are invited.

The podcast is available through the website www.gedankenspruenge-podcast.de and all common platforms ready for retrieval. The episodes go online on Wednesdays in the middle of the month.

Knowledge transfer, mutual dialogue and new ideas – this is what Lübeck stands for 3. The initiators and representatives of the three universities see their own podcast as an important building block to stimulate discourse with society about science and culture.

