Withdrawal of a chocolate monkey from Sant Cugat branded as “racist”

Queues at pastry shops to get one monkey they are more and more abundant with the celebration of the Easter just around the corner. Likewise, it also grows requirement so that the traditional chocolate figures are respectful and comply with certain social premises.

A feminist collective of Sant Cugat del Vallès, Hora Bruixalaunched a campaign in his social networks with the aim of denouncing a chocolate monkey of which the renowned Sabbath pastry boasted in his window. Until today.

As is tradition, the pastry shop is committed to a large figure of dark chocolate. This year, the figure represented a woman in an apron and a pastry hatwhich held two monkeys, one with each hand.

The entity has criticized the figure for “spreading the intrinsic racism” and has denounced that with these gestures “chocolate is related to black people and only makes perpetuate a picture full of clichés”. Time Bruixa points in a twitter thread that “a naked woman holding two trays directly evokes the slavery and contributes to your stigma“.

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As a result of the collective’s criticism, the owner of the pastry shop, Jaume Sabathas withdrawn the figure today and regretted “the commotion and that someone may have felt offended”, according to the newspaper. Tot Sant Cugat.

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