“With those two sons’ jerks!”

The wine-tasting party singer Dries Roelvink was verbally stoned in the ratings hit Today Inside. His choice to cover Jacques Brel is not well received. “Sacrilege.”

© Jasper Suyk

You can see them parading past on Instagram all day long: the Roelvinkjes. We see daddy Dries walking across the airport in a three-piece suit every few days, son Donny shows how he hangs on the weights from seven in the morning until seven in the evening and brother Dave is now the addiction expert.

Dries Brel

It’s folksy and a bit ordinary. Yet Dries now dares to cover the legendary Jacques Brel. The self-proclaimed viticulturist made that announcement yesterday morning The Telegraph and unfortunately for him, the ruthless Johan Derksen also has a subscription to that newspaper.

Johan thinks it is a great shame that Dries dares to play Brel’s songs, he says Inside today. “I am a very big Jacques Brel fan and this morning I looked up who all covered him and then you come to the greats of the earth. From Neil Diamond to Bowie and Frank Sinatra; those kinds of people.”

Two acorns

So great, according to Johan. “And eh, now our friend from Amsterdam, Dries Roelvink … Dries Roelvink is a very nice man who has never achieved anything as a singer and always succeeds in getting publicity with those two jerks of sons and who makes now the choice to cover Brel. I think that is a form of sacrilege.”

That man must be called to order urgently, he thinks. “Dries is a nice singer for weddings and parties, really such an Amsterdam folk singer, but he has to keep his hands off Brel, dude. That is not possible at all. I actually don’t think it’s possible. People around him should have said: ‘Dries, don’t do it!’”
