With these tips you don’t take too much with you on holiday

Whether you go on holiday by plane or by car, there is a good chance that you always want to take too many things with you. It also sounds so convenient to carry a spare pair of shoes and pack extra t-shirts. Of course you don’t want to forget anything or find out at your holiday address that you have forgotten something, so pack everything just to be safe.

Especially if you decide to pack your suitcase at the last minute, many items can disappear that you don’t need at all, so tip number one: start packing on time. You can then make a list of things you need.

Necessary stuff

On that list you first write down the essential items such as travel documents, medicines and toiletries (contraception, glasses, lenses, etc.)

Climate and holiday goal

It is also important to consider the climate in the country where you are going on holiday. Are you packing slippers or sweaters? A (thin) sweater can of course never hurt, but don’t take more than one with you when you go on holiday to a warm country.

Also think about what you are going to do on your vacation. Are you going into the mountains or will it be a beach holiday? Do you often want to eat out or do you mainly stay at your accommodation? Depending on these answers, you can already leave many items of clothing at home.

Buy stuff at your holiday destination

You don’t necessarily have to take very common products such as shampoo or sunscreen with you, you can also buy them there in the supermarket or pharmacy. This saves weight and space in your suitcase.

Washing on location

Another option: take a tube of travel detergent with you and wash your clothes at your holiday address. This is especially useful if you have enough space to dry your clothes.

How many pairs of shoes to pack?

You can (want to) take shoes with you for every occasion, but think again about the purpose of your holiday. For a beach holiday you only need one pair of slippers and one pair of comfortable shoes and maybe a nice set for when you go out to dinner. Also make sure to bring shoes in a neutral color so that you can combine them with many items of clothing.

Determine sets in advance

To prevent you from taking too many items of clothing, you can determine sets in advance. If you know which sets you want to make (and need) then you don’t accidentally take too many pants or t-shirts with you.

In and out

If you go to one place on holiday, it is not so bad if your suitcase can only just close, because you only have to unpack and pack it once. If you travel to several places, it is good not to pack your suitcase too full because that saves a lot of packing frustration.

Source: The Space Coach

July 5, 2022
