With the spirit of love | News

I fall in love with the word encouragement: breath. Will to do, energy, courage, are some of its meanings.

It is the name I chose for one of my upcoming retreats. With the Spirit of Love is an invitation to open ourselves to life and let Love, as a unifying force, go through us, but we do not always feel that call to be crossed by life, because life is not fair and does not always bring us what we like the most Being the basic situation of living like this, many times people get trapped in old ways of living, acting, thinking, feeling and reacting and we lose shine, sometimes automating ourselves to extremes that take away not only our fullness, but also its basic support, which is our state of health. I find it interesting to remind you that we did not come into life solely to work, but that we came to learn from Love. In order to relearn how to open ourselves to Love, it will be necessary to take into account that we all want to be recognized, loved, approved… So? what to do when our way of bonding is becoming automatic and we lose the spirit of loving?

First option to stop, to listen to what we are putting off that would bring us a quota of realization today, I know that it is not always easy, but if you don’t do it, who will do it for you?

Second option, recognizing what situations and factors are dulling your brilliance in daily life, sustaining expired relationships or behaviors that do not build a healthy bond with yourself and others, could be a time bomb that will surely explode. What are you waiting for?

Third or first, give yourself a space to reconnect with your Soul, to clean up the waste that your choices have left on you as a mark. We need to clean our mind and our emotions just like we clean our house.

We need to recognize the value of all our parts, the pleasant and the unpleasant, and with an integrating vision, accept our lights and shadows. Without self-knowledge and self-acceptance it is not possible to let Love in.

I invite you to live the experience of reconnection with El Amor that you are needing in my next September retreat in Tigre.

psych. Paola Varela Ituarte

Instagram: psic.paolavarelaituarte


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