With the healing power of plants against the “winter blues”?

From BZ/dpa

Depression is agonizing and quite a few people suffer from it. Antidepressants are often prescribed. Depending on the severity of the disease, a lower threshold may be sufficient.

How well do antidepressants, i.e. drugs against depression, work?

That depends very much on the severity of the disease, writes the Stiftung Warentest (“test” issue 1/23). While these remedies have been shown to help with severe depression, they do little for mild depression.

An accurate diagnosis is therefore necessary.

In any case, a specialist should check whether depression is present and, if so, how severe it is.

In the case of mild depression, low-threshold treatment without medication may be sufficient, such as regular talks with the family doctor or an online program that, according to Warentest, often pays for the cash register.

Certain St. John’s wort preparations, i.e. herbal remedies, can also help with mild to moderate depression.

According to the testers, however, St. John’s wort is of little use in low doses, for example in teas. In contrast, tablets available in pharmacies in different dosages are suitable for the short-term treatment of a moderately severe depressive phase.

It is different when depression requires long-term treatment: the benefits of long-term therapy cannot yet be definitively assessed. Overall, the drug is well tolerated, but side effects and interactions are possible. A doctor should also advise on this – as well as on dose and duration.
