With more than 28 degrees locally, never this warm on May 18 | Inland

The old record dates from 1918. Then on May 18 it was 27.9 degrees in Maastricht. The record has not only been broken in Twente, it will also be 28 degrees in Arcen in Limburg on Wednesday. If the temperature later in the day at the main measuring station in De Bilt rises to more than 26.3 degrees, then there is also officially the warmest May 18 ever measured. Whether that will be achieved is still uncertain, as it is currently 23.2 degrees in De Bilt.

In addition, another weather record could be broken on Wednesday: that of the first local tropical day of the year. This is the case if the mercury locally rises to 30 degrees or above. In the east and southeast of the Netherlands there is a chance that it will be tropical warm on Wednesday afternoon.
