With drink and drugs and way too fast on the A16: prison sentence demanded for accident

A man who caused a serious accident on the A16 highway near Prinsenbeek while under the influence and at 183 kilometers per hour was sentenced to two years in prison on Wednesday. The man from Rotterdam would also not be allowed to get behind the wheel for four years. The public prosecutor demanded this at the court in Breda on Wednesday afternoon.

The accident happened on December 10 last year. The 21-year-old Rotterdam resident rode into the back of a truck in the early hours of the night. The man and someone else in the car with him were injured. The occupant suffered a severe concussion, a broken shoulder and a cut on his forehead. The truck driver, a then 46-year-old man from Rossum, Gelderland, escaped unscathed.

The impact of the collision left the highway littered with debris. The engine block of the car and the tailgate of the truck, among other things, were torn loose. The pilot’s car was seized for further investigation.

Justice did not mince words: the driver flouted all kinds of traffic rules. Not only had he used alcohol and drugs. He was also driving at least 50 kilometers per hour too fast. As a result, he could barely brake and the collision with the truck was inevitable.

Furthermore, the driver did not have a valid driver’s license and had a suspended sentence. Justice also demanded that the suspect pay the victim compensation of 11,000 euros.

The car driven by the man was severely damaged:
