With carnival we go into the crowds en masse: ‘It will make you dizzy’

We can go again! Hossen, jumping and polonaise without one and a half meters. Now that almost all corona measures have expired, we will probably celebrate carnival close to each other in the next few days. We all have to get used to that.

Omroep Brabant asked in Friday’s poll whether people from Brabant are throwing themselves into the festivities en masse. Of the three thousand votes, just under thirteen percent say they have no problem at all with standing in a full bar. But 78 percent are really not ready to party in a crowd.

GZ Psychologist Najla Edriouch from Den Bosch recognizes this reticence in her environment. “On the one hand, I hear that people are really looking forward to carnival, coming together is really part of our nature. The transition to carnival is very big, there is a lot of crowds and there are fewer measures. A lot of people find that exciting.”

She recognizes that it can be stressful when you dive into the crowds and people get close again. “The stress itself isn’t that bad, as long as you make sure you also take recovery moments. If you celebrate carnival all day long, it is not convenient if you also have people over at home all evening. So make sure you look for peace in time.”

Although that need for rest will differ per person, Edriouch expects. “It also depends on what kind of situation you come from. If you have continuously worked at home in corona time and have seen few people, then that transition is much greater than if you have a vital profession and have been among people a lot.”

Our stimulus processing will therefore be challenged in the coming days. “It can feel like a normal busy day, that it makes you a little dizzy. But we will not end up in a depression, that is for sure.”

In any case, the transition from few social contacts to carnival will be much easier than when we had to go into lockdown. “The lockdown went against our nature, we are group animals and like to have people around us.”
