With a wave and a pirouette, Jeffrey Stuut says goodbye as a skier

With a wave, a pirouette and a big smile, Paralympic skier Jeffrey Stuut says goodbye to his beloved sport. At the Paralympic Games in Beijing, the Enkhuizer pulled out all the stops once more. “I say goodbye with a smile.”

With a wave and a pirouette, Jeffrey Stuut says goodbye as a skier – NH Nieuws

Call it typical Jeffrey Stuut. During his last part at the Paralympic Games, the Enkhuizer steals the show. Along the way he waves to acquaintances of Team NL, to end his run with a pirouette. “I had made an appointment with the physiotherapist. No sooner said than done. It had little to do with really hard skiing, but I really enjoyed it.”

Stuut had a really good time in Beijing anyway, knowing it was his farewell tour. “I didn’t know what to expect beforehand, but it was great. I was most satisfied with 11th place in Super G. Afterwards, all the coaches came to me, they were impressed. to hear.”

Flags in the street

On Tuesday Stuut returned home after being away from home for five weeks. He was welcomed by several flags in the street. Although the public could not attend because of corona, there was no shortage of support. Jeffrey’s performance was also enjoyed in Enkhuizen, until a polonaise ready. “Bizarre how many messages I have received. Some people even say that I am an example for others. Maybe because of my perseverance. But I don’t see it that way myself.”

Stuut struggles with cerebral palsy due to a brain haemorrhage at birth. This left him paralyzed on his left side. It didn’t stop him from going through life as a top athlete for the past ten years. A stage in his life he wouldn’t have wanted to miss. He stands proudly in front of his medal cabinet, including his two bronze medals at the World Cup in 2017. “That was my best year. It’s a shame that I couldn’t continue the line, partly due to injuries.”

“I don’t feel like participating in the field”

Jeffrey Stuut, Paralympic skier

The reason for stopping is an extension of this. “I notice that my body is having more and more trouble recovering from strength and conditioning training. And I was able to compete at the top less and less often. I don’t want to participate as a field filler. I’m too competitive for that.”

Not a sad goodbye

It is by no means a sad goodbye. “At a certain point it has been good and then you can say: it has been nice and I say goodbye with a smile.”

While mother Annette is working on the umpteenth laundry basket of the day, son Jeffrey is now carefully focusing on the future. What now? “I have already had the necessary offers, but I will figure out what I would like in the coming months. I take my time to see what makes my heart beat faster.”

This is a message from the common West Frisian news editor

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