With a declaration folder still under their arm, car owners in Hilversum assess the damage

“Look: you have nothing, I do. Very large stripes.” Local residents in Hilversum compare the paint damage to each other’s cars. Dozens of car owners are the victims of a car scratcher in the street that struck last night.

It all happened at the Jacob van Campenlaan in Hilversum. Some 20 to 30 cars parked there on the curb side were scratched last night. Local residents in the street are now claiming that there are many more cars.

“I just filed a report at the police station. From here to here, all the way to the front,” says a man with his declaration papers under his arm. He points to the significant damage to his car. “Four thousand euros in damage. Fortunately, they will insure it, but there are plenty of people who do not cover anything at all. It will cause you a lot of misery.”

“And yes, neighbour. You have nothing, take a look at my place,” continues the victim. In the Hilversum district, people are still looking at their cars in awe.

‘Severe deep scratches’

And the man is not the only one with ‘large deep scratches’, as the neighbors call it. Owners are watching in horror at all parked cars, pointing to damage, and to that of the neighbors. “Here, my car. But also those of my neighbors, my neighbors across the street. This was done deliberately. Not normal.”

“I went shopping and when I came back, they all pointed to my car. Then I knew: yes, they have taken mine too.”

Spray can

A 28-year-old man has been arrested. He was caught in the act by witnesses and is still in custody. He also had a spray can with him, with which he sprayed at least one car.

According to a local resident who has been to the police, the suspect had a nice drink. “I heard he was drunk and apparently that’s why he did this.”
