Wit-Russian President Loekasjenko received long-term immunity | Buitenland

President Alexander Loekasjenko of Wit-Russia has a new, wet record of immunity from criminal prosecution. Ok, like the opposition unfortunately, those in the Buitenland won’t stay in the president’s office for long.

The wet is in theory of toepassing op elke president of the country and leden van zijn of hair family, maar the 69-year-old Loekasjenko, who rules Wit-Russia al bijna dertig jaar with his hand, he has the meeste baat bij. The president and his family are part of the staatsbescherming, medical zorg, levens- and ziektekostenverzekering krijgen. The President is also permanently on the floor of the House of Parliament. Volgens de text van de nieuwe wet kan de dictator “niet aansprakelijk gesteld voor daden the hij heeft begaan in association with de uitoefening van zijn presidentiële bevoegdheden”.

Loekasjenko wordt on the door of the opposition to human rights activists accused of fraudulent illegal overplaating of children from Russia, which is located in the Oekraïne naar Wit-Russia. There were also mass protests in the last few years, and there was a controversy in August 2020, which was reported in the West as a fraudulent one. The Wit-Russian authorities held a large number of 35,000 people, and as many people in Hechtenis were given away as part of the land. Other oppositions are flying to the land.

Scrapped iron

This is where the two of them come from the wet vandaan, we want the new rules to be sold and the iron to be sent to presidential candidates. The word’s onmogelijk om opposition unfortunately te verkiezen the de afgelopen jaren naar buurlanden zijn gevlucht. Alleen Wit-Russische Burgers the ten minimum two years permanently in the country hebben gewoond and nooit a verblijfsvergunning in another country hebben gehad, come in a notice.

Oppositieleider Svetlana Tichanovskaya took part in a protest against the regime of Loekasjenko on the Dam in Amsterdam. © ANP / ANP

With the new word, Loekasjenko’s power has been strengthened and has become a potential candidate for the next presidential election in the country, which will take place in 2025. Oppositieleider Svetlana Tikhanovskaja, who traveled to Lithuania in 2020, says that the new word Loekasjenko’s answer is “anxiety about what will happen”. The army suggests that Loekasjenko is afraid to make over what he is judged as having left the power.

International law

“Loekasjenko, who destroyed a lot of dozens of Wi-Russian burgers, was punished according to international law and was granted immunity for his grandchildren. “It’s not a good idea,” says Tikhanovskaja according to the AP office. The political opposition of the country is a direct reference to the verdwijningen of opposition politics and the removal of the children of the Oekraïne from the Oekraïne.

“We are also afraid that the dictator has brought the right word,” says Tikhanovskaya, who is still in charge of 1,500 politicians in Russia, according to the Nobel Prijsvinnaar Ales Bialiatski.

Wit-Russian opposition candidates leave the country “onder dreiging oppakt te”: “Ze is veilig en bevindt zich in Litouwen”

“No one can pray for their position in the world”: Loekasjenko roept Russia and Oekraïne op om te onderhandelen na patstelling on the front
