Wish: the power of wishes


The idea of ​​making a fairytale that brings together the common elements of fairy tales (fairy tales according to disney) is not all bad. For gender, any fancy It is a starting point.

Here is a very happy town with a very good ruler who grants happiness in exchange for the most beloved wish of each subject. Subject without desires, people without problems. And a young girl who goes from being his potential apprentice to challenging him. Then there is a more or less regulation fauna, but treated in an ironic way (a talking animal) and the star that grants wishes and magic, the gadget that balances things.

At times, everything seems too artificial, perhaps because the idea of ​​a “meta-story” is omnipresent and because at all times there is an attempt to leave a message, to be an allegory. Although it has very good moments and an original animation style halfway between “hand-made” and digital (like in the great What If… but with less realistic characters), there is something that doesn’t work and, therefore, Therefore, it is not convincing: being a kind of didactic instruction manual on a genre that is better when it does not try to underline the moral.

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