Winter weather coming: freezing cold and a few snow showers

Pull thick sweaters out of the closet and get the window scraper ready, it will be cold from tomorrow. “It will be really winter weather,” predicts NH Weerman Jan Visser. “Next week it can be 5 to 6 degrees below zero at night.”

Although Rijkswaterstaat is ready for a busy evening rush hour, the crowds in our province are not due to the weather. “The showers will be gone by then and the fog will not start until the middle of the night. The temperature will also only fall below freezing after the rush hour,” says the weatherman.

Tonight there will be light frost and tomorrow during the day the temperature will be around 2 degrees. “Saturday there will be long-lasting fog and slipperiness,” warns Visser. “I’m guessing traffic won’t be affected that much, there’s usually less traffic on weekends.” Visser says that the temperature will decrease even further after the weekend.


“During the day it can be -1 degrees,” he predicts for the beginning of next week. “And at night it gets about 5 to 6 degrees below zero.” Visser does not expect a thick pack of snow to fall. “There may be a snow shower, but it’s mostly dry.” Whether the irons can be lowered soon, the weatherman cannot yet say. “With fog, no ice grows and after that it is still too uncertain.”

According to Jan Visser, this weather pattern suits the time of year. “If it continues, we will have the first cold December in years,” he says. He cannot yet say how long the cold will last. “Predicting beyond the middle of next week is looking at coffee grounds.”

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