Winter stopped by Berlin again

The snow was still able to hold on Sunday morning.  Hagen B. (41) and daughter Matilda (5) took advantage of this and slid down a slope in Volkspark Friedrichshain

The snow was still able to hold on Sunday morning. Hagen B. (41) and daughter Matilda (5) took advantage of this and slid down a slope in Volkspark Friedrichshain Photo: Ralf Gunther

From the BZ editorial team

Plenty of sun, fresh air and a thin layer of snow – that was like balm for the soul on Sunday after the bad weather on Saturday.

However, if you wanted to drive the car, you first had to scrape the windows hard. We haven’t had that for a long time.

Mini snowman: This example in Schönhausen Palace Park is just ten centimeters high

Mini snowman: This example in Schönhausen Palace Park is just ten centimeters high Photo: Ralf Gunther

Spring is already in the air – it’s about time, after all, meteorological spring begins on Wednesday. And indeed: the first tender leaves are already sprouting on the bushes, crocuses have fought their way through the approximately one centimeter deep layer of snow. Which, however, let the sun melt away by noon.

The first crocuses fought their way through the thin layer of snow

The first crocuses fought their way through the thin layer of snow Photo: Ralf Gunther

While it was still -1 degrees cold at 6 a.m., the maximum temperature yesterday was 3 to 4 degrees. At night, however, negative temperatures were expected again.

The main thing is to keep your head warm: someone put a winter hat on the sculpture “The Construction Helper” on Ossietzkystrasse (Niederschönhausen).

The main thing is to keep your head warm: someone put a winter hat on the sculpture “The Construction Helper” on Ossietzkystrasse (Niederschönhausen). Photo: Ralf Gunther

Monday will be clear to cloudy with a maximum of 4 degrees. “We expect a rain-free start to the new week,” said meteorologist Diana Hennings (30) from the weather service in Potsdam. An Atlantic high pressure area makes it possible.


Berlin weather snow Volkspark Friedrichshain weather
