Winter shelter Bruges: “No one will have to sleep on the street”

Winter shelter Bruges: “No one will have to sleep on the street”

If more is needed, there is again a collaboration with a few Bruges hotels. The city suspects there will be more homeless people this winter. Pablo Annys, alderman social affairs Bruges: “I think that the succession of crises is responsible for this. After a corona crisis and a social crisis, there is now the energy crisis. People feel very clearly that requests for support are rising. And therefore also the homeless problem in Bruges. “

Exact figures will not be available until March next year, but Bruges is estimated to have about a hundred homeless people. For eighteen of those who want it, there is ‘t Sas on the Havenstraat, a bed, bath and bread every night, until the end of March. And guidance. “They are mainly from Bruges, especially men. But we also see a younger audience and sometimes women.”

If the need is greater, the city also works with a few hotels such as ‘t Putje op ‘t Zand. On Sunday afternoons, homeless people can now also visit the Van Volden service center for a chat, an activity or to warm up.
