Winter savings measures: How to keep more in your wallet

Winter not only brings cold temperatures and shorter days, but often also higher expenses, especially in terms of heating costs and electricity consumption. However, with a few targeted measures you can effectively save money without sacrificing comfort.

Insulation and insulation

Insulation and insulation play a crucial role in reducing energy losses in buildings and ensuring a pleasant indoor climate, as reports in an online article. Leaky windows, which allow cold air to enter and heat to escape, can be effectively counteracted by using sealing strips. Additionally, heavy curtains can be used as an additional insulation measure to prevent heat from escaping through the windows. Another critical area is the roof. An uninsulated roof can lose a large amount of heating energy, with Heating Saver even assuming an energy loss of up to 20 percent in an online article. For this reason, roof insulation is not only a sensible but also an economically smart investment.

Reduce electricity costs

Many devices, especially televisions, continue to use electricity even in standby mode. A practical solution to this is to buy a socket with an integrated switch, which makes it possible to completely disconnect the devices from the mains when not in use, as the consumer advice center reports in an online article. For older televisions, it is worth considering purchasing a newer model with a higher energy efficiency class to reduce energy consumption. Changing your electricity provider can also lead to savings. Making the most of daylight can significantly reduce the need for artificial light. Especially in winter, when the days are shorter and there is less natural light available, it makes sense to use energy-saving light sources. In this context, energy-saving lamps or LEDs offer an efficient and energy-saving alternative to traditional light bulbs.

Heat optimally

If radiators do not heat up evenly or make gurgling noises, this may be a sign that there is air in the system, resulting in increased energy consumption. It is therefore advisable to vent the heater regularly, as explains. To ensure efficient heat emission, radiators should not be covered by furniture or curtains. When you are away, we recommend turning down the heating to save energy. In the bathroom, it is more efficient to ensure a longer and even heat release rather than heating up the room for a short time and then letting it cool down again, says DasHaus in an online article. Using new radiators can also lead to energy savings, as modern models are generally more energy efficient. In addition, surface heating not only offers the advantage of being space-saving, but also of efficient heat dissipation. Finally, intelligent thermostats can help to optimally adapt heating times to individual lifestyle habits so that there is no unnecessary heating when no one is at home, DasHaus concludes.

Save on water consumption and shopping

Showering instead of bathing is an effective way to save energy. By showering with lukewarm water, especially if it is kept for a short time, as well as by using energy-saving shower heads and pearl jets, water consumption can be reduced by up to 50 percent and the energy costs for heating the water by 25 percent, as the WVV magazine says in one Online article reports. It is also advisable to turn off the tap when brushing your teeth or soaping.

When shopping, focusing on seasonal products, such as winter vegetables, can lead to cost savings while reducing the environmental footprint through shorter transport routes. Finally, significant savings can be made when purchasing winter clothing or gear by opting for used items from swap meets or thrift stores rather than investing in new products.

D. Maier / editorial team
