Winter holidays: original plans for the boys without spending much

It may seem like a long time, especially for working parents. But given the huge variety of entertainment options, chances are it won’t make it to the agenda. In the open air, in museums, in gastronomic poles and also in parks and squares: the Buenos aires city is ready to start the winter holidays with activities for all tastes and ages.

a bit of art

For those children with artistic concerns, it may be a good time to make contact with the Colon Theater and even more, with the magic of the staging in Colon Factory, in La Boca. This space offers a tour of the scenery, props and costumes of some of the greatest opera and ballet productions. There are free and guided tours of all the exhibited material, which was handcrafted in the theater workshops. The most fun thing is that everything can be touched, including sculptures over 4 meters high.

In Palermo, the malba He also thought of the boys. For this reason, starting Monday, July 17, it offers a series of activities that include participatory tours, group visits, workshops, and open construction play stations. The activities are face-to-face and are included with the entrance ticket, although the workshops require prior registration. And what can be done? For example, a toy clinic where children can bring their own toy and learn how to repair it. Another action is 19th edition of the Reading Festival, on Tuesday the 25th, an opportunity to spend time in the museum, in the company of readers and books. On this occasion, the inspiration will be the comic strip genre, and there will be a series of workshops, tours and talks to immerse yourself in the language of graphic narrative.


Natural environment

If the idea is to put together an outdoor program and connect the children with nature, the exhibition “Secret Garden”which is open until the end of July in the Botanical GardenIt is guaranteed fun for all ages. The proposal of this immersive exhibition is to transform the space into a light museum every evening. It is a sensory walk in which a visual commitment to artistic installations combines care for the environment with light technology. The invitation is every day from 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. (with admission until 8:30 p.m.). “The public discovers different installations in a conceptual journey that mixes universal elements and symbols such as life, nature, biodiversity, space, music, love and art”, they describe from the organization.

Also in open air key, Bocha, the open-air gastronomic walk that works in the Campo Argentino de Polo; proposes a program designed for the whole family. From July 14 to 30, its classic gastronomy spaces will be combined with shows by Chiche y Bombón, Coro en Claves and Quest for the Treasure, among others. Admission is free and free, but with an additional cost you can access two more proposals: Peki Piki Park, where the largest air park in Buenos Aires is located and there are trampolines, inflatables, a soft arena, virtual reality games and simulators career; and Bocha Park, where there will be workshops, artistic makeup, table football, shuffleboard and several other surprises. And a color fact: pets are allowed.

Winter Break.

In a similar gourmet line, the Patio de los Lecheros, in Caballito, also dresses up these days to receive the children. Here there will be free magic, circus and clown shows, with artists such as Nano Circo, Mago Bracco, Tute Guzmán, Payaso Chango and The Wifi Shows, among others. In addition, its stores will offer different children’s menus with combos at special prices. From hamburgers, tacos, arepas and burritos to waffles, juices and mocktails, there will be no room for “I don’t like that”.

question of balance

The key to a memorable vacation is balance. Being able to do a quieter program combined with another in which to unload energy. And that same balance is sought by parents in a matter of budget. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to free activities. A great reference for children’s outings from her account @buenosairesparachicos, Alejandra Campomar proposes not to overlook the ecopark and cultural spaces with workshops, such as the Usina del Arte, the CCK with its third floor for children and technopolis. “The proposal of the Cultural Center of Science is also very nice, which is usually a great option for boys between approximately 8 and 15 years old. And the little ones who accompany their brothers have the plaza on the side ”, he recounts.

Dairy Yard.

Another proposal from Alejandra is to tour the neighborhoods of the city as a family. “Say, for example, we are going to visit San Telmo. And take a tour of the historical places, go to the Museum of Modern Art and maybe hook up a free workshop, or get to know Parque Lezama. Instead of delegating those walks to school, it is very good to do it as a family plan ”, she recommends.

Then, he suggests wrapping up well and making an itinerary of squares, since there are many with renovated games in different neighborhoods of the city, which were built from different figures. “You can get to know the robot, the robotina, the pirate ships, the Andes, the rocket square,” he points out.

And if you want to add something historical, the tram ride is still a possibility in the streets of Caballito. Maintained by the Friends of the Tram Association, it is also a free tour, although it is possible to buy souvenirs and memories and thus help its maintenance. They are two weeks, but well organized, they can bring memories for a lifetime.

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