Winter Games in Beijing – Olympic organizers: Corona situation “under control”

Beijing (dpa) – Despite the fact that the number of corona cases at the Winter Games in Beijing is not falling, the organizers are not concerned.

“We are sure that the situation is under control,” said Huang Chun, vice director of China’s organizing committee in charge of coronavirus pandemic prevention. The Olympic organizers had previously announced that 45 other participants in the games had tested positive for the corona virus on the opening day.

25 cases were found among athletes and team members, 20 more among other Olympic participants. On arrival at the airport alone, 26 tests were positive, including 20 from athletes and team members. In the Olympic bubble, the daily tests found a further 19 infected people who had previously arrived. Among them were five members of teams.

“The numbers are in line with our expectations. We expect the numbers to fall,” said Huang Chun. So far, the infected people have not spread the virus, he assured. The total number of corona cases has risen to a total of 353 since January 23. According to the information, 12,250 people have traveled to the games via Beijing Airport since then until Friday.

Because of the corona pandemic, the Winter Games are taking place under extreme precautionary measures. Everyone involved – from athletes to journalists – is completely cut off from the rest of the country and can only move in “closed circuits”.

Anyone who has contracted the virus is initially isolated in a specially designated hotel. Only after two negative PCR tests at least 24 hours apart can those affected leave before the prescribed ten-day period has expired. After that, only a negative PCR test is required.


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