Winter Games in Beijing: Combined Faißt training winner

Zhangjiakou (dpa) – The Nordic combined athlete Manuel Faißt immediately shone in his first training session after being called up to the Olympic team.

The 29-year-old, who was called up to the Winter Games team to replace Terence Weber, who was infected with the coronavirus, jumped 136.5 meters in Zhangjiakou to win the second round. He refrained from making another attempt. “I was very happy with the jump. Why should you waste any more energy? Now we’re preparing for tomorrow,” said Faißt, looking ahead to the individual competition on the large hill this Tuesday.

“I was very happy with the jump. Why should you waste any more energy? Now we’re preparing for tomorrow,” said Faißt, looking ahead to the individual competition on the large hill this Tuesday. “I’m glad I can take part now, even if I’m really sorry for Terence that he’s out now,” said Faißt.

Weber is still in quarantine. Like the 25-year-old and Eric Frenzel, the Norwegian top combined athlete Jarl Magnus Riiber was again absent from training. Unlike Weber and Frenzel, the overall World Cup winner for the past three seasons is on the start list for Tuesday, according to the official documents. The 24-year-old was allowed to leave the isolation on Monday after another negative corona test. Meanwhile, the final ten-kilometer run has been moved forward by half an hour and starts at 18:30 local time (11:30 CET).

Like Faißt, training went really well for Vinzenz Geiger. The normal hill Olympic champion jumped a furious 142.5 meters in the third round and thus clearly won.


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