Winston releases confetti cannon, no more Miljoenenjacht victims

Winston Gerschtanowitz has decided not to take a confetti cannon with him during the award ceremonies in Miljoenenjacht from now on. “I won’t soon forget that.”

© SBS 6

It was quite a shock for everyone involved: eight days ago something went completely wrong during the live item in Miljoenenjacht in which Winston Gerschtanowitz presented an award at a viewer’s home. The presenter was fumbling with his confetti cannon and it eventually exploded right in the face of the home winner. She escaped eye damage.

Confetti banned

Winston had his last awards ceremony of the season yesterday. He is already warned in the studio by Linda de Mol: “Winston is already walking around somewhere in the area and we will soon go live to him for a very nice presentation of the prize for the home winner. And Winston, good luck. And stay away from that confetti cannon, please!”

He complies. “A very good evening and thank you, Linda. Yes, I have to say something about the previous ring… If we’re talking about last week… No more confetti cannon, I’m quitting!”

Fingers crossed

From now on, no more confetti during the awards in Miljoenenjacht. “We called Maxime, last week’s winner, and luckily she is doing well. Fingers crossed. So I escaped that.”

Well, Maxime escaped it. Winston concludes: “I won’t soon forget that confetti evening last week.”

Winston was allowed to award an amount of 155 thousand euros to the home winner yesterday.


The confetti fragment:
