Winston Gerschtanowitz: ‘This is incredibly childish’

Just before the corona crisis, Winston Gerschtanowitz was about to revive Villa Felderhof, but he was thwarted by KRO-NCRV. “It was very childish.”


Winston Gerschtanowitz has been trying for years to become the new Rik Felderhof, but has not yet succeeded. His attempt to make his own version of the famous interview program Villa Felderhof failed just before the corona crisis. And then Beau van Erven Dorens suddenly came up with such a program: Lago di Beau.

“Very childish!”

Rik says that KRO-NCRV, the broadcaster that used to broadcast Villa Felderhof, was quite the opposite. “We were already very far, but then corona came… We would start with a look back at the program, in which Winston would interview me. But the NCRV refused to release images, very childish,” he tells super guide

Why did the NCRV refuse that? “They didn’t want a program from the public broadcaster to be broadcast by the commercialists. Then everything went into lockdown and our plan was canceled. That is still possible, Winston would like to, but then he may have to switch to public broadcasting.”

nice look

If it’s up to Rik, Winston still breathes new life into his program, despite Beau’s show already being there. “I see in Winston my successor as the presenter of Villa Felderhof. We have already had discussions about that.”

He concludes: “Winston is civilized, has a pleasant appearance and is genuinely interested in people.”
