‘Winston Gerschtanowitz looks like Gordon, never had any TV hits either!’

Winston Gerschtanowitz never really broke through as a television star. As a solo presenter, he actually has no real hits to his name, says Tina Nijkamp. “Just like Gordon!”

© William Rutten

After two years, it still hangs a bit on Winston Gerschtanowitz: that intense scandal about the ‘charity’ with which he wanted to plant trees, but above all wanted to become very rich. He was even called a ‘pseudo-con artist’ in Today Inside. Quite painful, because they were previously guests in the presenter’s show: Marble Mania.


Winston will soon return to the air with Marble Mania, which means he will be back on prime time after a long time, says ratings authority Tina Nijkamp. “Winston Gerschtanowitz is back as the host of a major game show. Yet another season of Marble Mania unfortunately,” she says in her podcast Tina’s TV Update.

“The previous season did not score well at all, but SBS 6 has still decided – perhaps there is a sponsor attached to it, that is possible – to broadcast another season. Well, Winston is going to present it again and for him that is a kind of comeback, because we haven’t seen him on prime time for a long time.”

Suitcase carrier

Well, as an assistant to Linda de Mol. “Yes, just as a briefcase carrier for the home winner of Miljoenenjacht, right? That will also start again, so we will see him there and for the rest we have only seen him lately with that evening quiz 50/50, together with Kim-Lian van der Meij, but that has also stopped due to disappointing viewing figures.”

According to Tina, it seems that Winston is already a bit past his peak. “Winston went from a permanent contract to a freelance contract with John de Mol, at Talpa, and he has a bit of what Gordon also has, right, and what Rick Brandsteder had: he never really had TV hits.”

No TV hits

Everything Winston does is just nothing, Tina sneers. “It was always just not enough, wasn’t it, or even quite a flop. Who knows that Circus Gerschtanowitz, which he presented together with his wife Renate… He never had really big hits. He is actually best known as a Postcode Lottery ambassador.”

“Marble Mania has now had a number of seasons, but that, together with The Wall, is actually the only program he has done for SBS 6 that has run for several seasons.”
