Winston Gerschtanowitz happy again after riot over ‘green scam’

Winston Gerschtanowitz is feeling well again after the riot over his ‘green scam’. He attended the Rolling Stones concert with Renate yesterday. “Awesome!”

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Winston Gerschtanowitz’s ‘charity’, EarthToday, was exposed in April as a huge profit machine for the founders themselves. He has disappointed a lot of people and many parties have let him down hard. Albert Heijn, for example, was there like the chickens to dump Winston and his Gooise friends.

With squeaky tires

Little is now left of Winston and his ‘green scam’, as critics call it. According to business magazine Quote the organization ‘has come to a standstill with squeaky tires’. “EarthToday’s social media accounts have been virtually silent for months,” the magazine wrote a few weeks ago.

Winston’s “nature conservation platform” appears to be faulty. Hardly any ‘protected’ square meters are sold anymore. “It’s moving at a pace where the pot of gold won’t be rolling in for 21,649 years.”

So the pot of gold for Winston. And his celebrities friends, including allegedly Bas Smit.

Damaged reputation

Little is left of EarthToday and Winston has also lost the public’s favor. Angela de Jong mentioned him yesterday in a list of celebrities who saw their reputation fall faster in the past year ‘than the dominoes on RTL’. “Right, Danny, Winston, Johnny, Jeroen, Ali, Marco, Glennis, Lil Kleine and Peter Gillis?”

So while Winston is still reminded of the EarthToday fiasco, his mood seems to be on the mend again.

Happy with the Stones

Winston and his wife Renate went to the Rolling Stones concert in Amsterdam yesterday with two friends and had a great time there. “How wonderful to have been here! And they were super good. THE ROLLING STONES!!!”, he says.

And Renate: “So nice!!!”


Winston posted the following video to his socials:
