Winston Gerschtanowitz flirts with returning to Boulevard desk

Winston Gerschtanowitz is suddenly extremely flirting with a return to RTL Boulevard. His career fell into a doldrums after his departure there, so he could use a safe haven.

© SBS 6

After the departure of Beau van Erven Dorens and Daphne Bunskoek, Winston Gerschtanowitz was the permanent host from RTL Boulevard. He left for Talpa in 2017, but that is Hilversum’s Bermuda Triangle. If you go there, you mysteriously disappear from the viewer’s view, only to emerge badly battered years later.

Winston ‘away’ from SBS

Actually, the same goes for Winston, whose career has not exactly been helped by that switch. And let’s not forget that that strange tampering with the tree trade was not really conducive to his image either.

Anyway, after a short period of rumours, Winston and Talpa announced yesterday that their exclusive contract has indeed been terminated. “Winston is no longer exclusively associated with SBS 6, but we still enjoy working together. Only no longer on the basis of exclusivity, but on a project basis,” said the media company.

Still marbles

Winston will continue to be seen regularly on SBS 6. “In the coming period, Winston can be seen with us again in the well-known programs such as Miljoenenjacht, 50/50 and Marble Mania.”

The presenter himself says against RTL Boulevard: “It’s not really big news. It’s just a different shape. Not much changes for me, only this shape gives me more freedom. Suppose, for example, I want to present at RTL Boulevard, then it can now be easier.”

“Is this a hint?”

Is this just an open application from Postcode-Winston? “Oh, is this a hint? Is this a clue? Nice! Cozy!” Bridget Maasland shouts in yesterday’s RTL Boulevard.

Lex Uiting: “Perhaps soon we will be here.”

Tina points it out

Tina Nijkamp explains this whole thing in an article by The Telegraph. “It is a trend that more and more presenters are freelancing. Look at public broadcasting, for example: Paul de Leeuw and Harm Edens are not permanent employees,” she says.

The reason? Money. “It can be cheaper for a channel to work with freelancers. Winston is not a viewing magnet for the channel, so it is not necessary to want to capture him exclusively.”
