Winner BBB advances to twelve seats in Staten Groningen, coalition sees majority melt away

Winner BBB immediately advances to twelve seats in the Provincial Council of Groningen. The current six coalition partners lose their majority.

This is evident from the provisional final results of the parliamentary elections. On Wednesday night, only four of the ten Groningen municipalities managed to count all the votes cast. Only Thursday morning did the other six come up with their final results.

This makes it even more clear how big the victory is that BBB took on Wednesday. The party ended up with 23 percent of the vote, good for twelve seats. In almost all Groningen municipalities, almost one in three voters opted for the BBB, only in the city did they get stuck at 10.7 percent.

Coalition partners see majority melting away: from 25 to 15 seats

Against that victory comes a loss for the current coalition parties. Only the PvdA limited the damage: despite a slight loss of votes (-2 percent), the party kept its current five seats. The other five lost: GroenLinks drops to five seats (-1), the ChristenUnie goes to three seats (-1), the VVD comes to two (-2) just like D66 and CDA (each -1).

As a result, the college partners see their majority melt away: they go from 25 to 15 seats in the 43-member States. As the largest party, BBB will lead the formation of a new Board of Provincial Executives in the near future. Party leader Gouke Moes indicated on Wednesday night that he would enter into talks with all parties in the States.

Winner of 2019 Forum for Democracy has 1 seat left

The big winner of the previous States elections, Forum for Democracy, still has 1 seat left from the 5 with which it made its debut four years ago.

The Party for the Animals is growing, but less than it seemed for a long time on Wednesday: the party rises from 1 to 2 seats. Also striking is the entrance of Volt, with 1 seat (3.8 percent of the vote).

Groninger Belang and PVV remain stable despite a slight loss of votes, at 3 and 2 seats respectively. The Party for the North also falls: from 2 to 1 seat. Former FvD Member of Parliament Robert Pestman cannot defend his seat on behalf of Belang van Nederland and will not return. 50Plus also loses its seat.
