Windows are displays, crazy rims and same name as our journalist: this BMW steals the show at CES | Tech

CES 2023BMW unveils a striking new prototype at CES, the largest technology fair in the world. The car is called ‘Dee’ and has windows that are large displays at the same time but remain transparent. And ‘e-ink’ is used again to show changing patterns on the body and on the headlights.

Kenneth Dee

5 Jan. 2023

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Own reporting

Last year, a BMW concept was already the eye-catcher at CES in Las Vegas. The company then showed a car whose paint discolored because it was completely covered with digital ink that can change color and pattern. This year, the company is going one step further and there is again a lot of talk about it.


Dee, the completely new design from Munich, seems to have driven away from the video game Fortnite. It is a hip, white car with fluorescent yellow accents that is not immediately reminiscent of the German manufacturer. The vehicle does not give the impression that it is sporty at all, for example. But appearances can be deceiving, as it turns out when we talk about it with the designers.

‘Dee’ is an atypical but impressive concept car from BMW. © Kenneth Dee, Lars Goossens

“You can still switch on a very dynamic driving mode,” a designer tells us during an exclusive preview of the car. “And then you feel it more like Call of Duty than Fortnite. So it is perfectly possible, if the children are not driving along for a while and you really want to enjoy the car for fun, to do just that.”


The feature that everyone in Las Vegas is talking about is the windows of this car. Of course you can just look through it. But BMW uses a technique that allows them to double as giant displays that are visible from both the inside and outside. And we are talking about every square centimeter of glass.

'Dee' welcomes you with a projection of your avatar on the side windows.

‘Dee’ welcomes you with a projection of your avatar on the side windows. © Kenneth Dee, Lars Goossens

“For example, the windows show where you need to navigate to. They also welcome you before you board with a friendly avatar.” Or you can drive through a virtual city, as we see. You can’t think of it that crazy. It’s all very impressive. Even if it is not the first time that transparent displays are used, BMW is smart about it.

The way BMW uses them to turn a car into a kind of giant iPhone is impressive. And you can take that literally: if you want to operate a function, you do so by ‘touching’ the car. Not only the displays, but also the textile of the doors, for example, on which a button suddenly lights up almost magically.

The information you expect on a dashboard is now shown on the windscreen itself.

The information you expect on a dashboard is now shown on the windscreen itself. © Kenneth Dee, Lars Goossens

New audience

Although a concept car almost never goes into production, it does indicate the direction a manufacturer wants to go. In this case with new electric BMWs that will arrive in the next few years. Therefore, based on this exercise, it is clear that BMW wants to tap into a new audience.

The car looks a bit like a chameleon: you can convert it from a cozy family car to a sporty fun car by changing modes. “Basically it’s just a fun car that doesn’t seem to have driven away from Mad Max,” it sounds. “We are certainly not going in that direction, just leave those Mad Max cars in the film. Although driving pleasure remains essential. For example, you can download a kind of M-pack that transforms the car into a slightly tougher variant, so we do not compromise on the experience.”

'Buttons' simply appear where you need them, in this case on the door's fabric.

‘Buttons’ simply appear where you need them, in this case on the door’s fabric. © Kenneth Dee, Lars Goossens


It is striking that BMW is presenting the new concept car at a technology fair such as CES, but it is also brimming with innovative ideas: “Technology is at the heart of the car. We are therefore looking for an audience that is very involved with technology.” Then BMW, for example, talks about young people who have grown with their smartphone: “This car does not replace your smartphone”, it sounds. But it is clear that the Germans have looked at the ease of use of Android and iOS for this car.


It’s purely coincidental, but ‘Dee’ has the same name as our journalist. That makes for hilarious conversations with the car. Because yes: ‘Dee’ is a car you can talk to. You get an answer from a warm female voice. And the also welcomes you before you get in, with a personalized message on the displays.

It all feels very airy and sympathetic and the manufacturer confirms that: “we are a friendly brand, sympathetic. Technology is the basis, but driving pleasure is not forgotten.”

And with that, we see a BMW changing course.

LOOK. Largest technology fair in the world starts this week: our technology journalist Kenneth Dée is on site

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