Window cleaner Bart is a TikTok celebrity with his silly jokes

With more than 80,000 followers, you can call Bart van Moorsel from Geldrop a TikTok celebrity. The lame jokes he tells with his colleague Ritchie from his window cleaning van suddenly went viral: some videos were viewed a million times. Now he wants to chase other dreams too, but he doesn’t forget where he came from. “I sometimes get the question if I can’t subtitle my Brabant.”

The 35-year-old window cleaner from Geldrop was never that busy with social media, until a colleague told him that TikTok would be something for him. Between crazy dances and videos, he saw few people telling ordinary lame jokes. And let that be his specialty.

How you see them in the videos, Bart and Ritchie (33) always sit on the bus together. They are always playing around between washing the windows. “When we’re laughing at each other again, I grab my phone these days and record it for TikTok.”

That resulted in more than 250 videos on his Puberbrain account. An appropriate name, Bart thinks: “Together we really have an adolescent brain, the child always remains in us.”

“I come from Brabant, after all.”

What started as a pastime during the moments on the bus quickly became a resounding success. “Celebrities like Fred van Leer and StukTV shared videos,” he says enthusiastically. That was a bit addictive, he admits: “I just kept looking and refreshing the page.”

By the way, he does not hide his Geldropse identity. The jokes are simply made in flat Brabant. “I sometimes get messages from people asking if we can subtitle the videos,” laughs Bart. “But we don’t do that. Take it or leave it“I come from Brabant,” he says firmly.

The TikTok success was the start of a new period for Bart. “When I was 15 I messed with a program on the computer to make music pieces. It was actually bad,” he admits with a laugh. But it was the start of a dream as a DJ.

“And now you just go for it.”

“I always thought: I will never be known anyway. I will not succeed.” The TikTok experience changed that. “It showed me that things could just go differently. My girlfriend, with whom I have been in a relationship for twenty years, said: ‘And now you just go for it’.” He did. After a lot of practice, watching videos and learning from friends, he has been on stage more and more as DJ B-FOUR since 2022.

Just like his TikToka adventure, it went fast. “I just very boldly started writing to small festivals in the area. I have quite a large network through TikTok, so I made a deal with the festivals: I help them with ticket sales if I get a place on their stage,” it sounds. naughty.

Festivals such as Camping Kitch and Knaltibal changed tack and within a year he was on the same stage as Mr. Polska, Mart Hoogkamer and Je Broer.

“Music is a kind of medicine, I hope I can bring out the same happiness in others.”

Bart already noticed as a child that music is more than a pretty picture. “My parents split up and that didn’t go very well. Listening to music helped me to stay positive,” he says. “It touches you in a way and I hope I can do the same with my fans: music as medicine.”

Bart and Ritchie were asked to surprise a fan for her birthday
Bart and Ritchie were asked to surprise a fan for her birthday

Bart shares the stage with his example: rapper Jebroer.
Bart shares the stage with his example: rapper Jebroer.

DJ B-FOUR at the festival Knaltibal.
DJ B-FOUR at the festival Knaltibal.
