Wincent Weiss would also like to try hip-hop

Wincent Weiss: I would also like to try hip-hop

Wincent Weiss in the ZDF music show ‘Die Giovanni Zarrella Show’ in Studio Adlershof Photo: picture alliance / Geisler-Fotopress | Nicole Kubelka

From BZ/dpa

Pop musician Wincent Weiss also wants to venture into other genres in the future.

“I’m still looking forward to touring and festivals this year, but next year I’ll probably do a little cut. I then want to focus on how I want my music to look like. I’ve always wanted to make metal and rock music and would also like to try hip-hop,” said the 30-year-old of the German Press Agency.

Weiss himself described his “Irgendwo anmachen” album series consisting of the albums “Irgendwas gegen die Stille”, “Somehow different”, “Maybe Irgendwann” and “Irgendwo anmachen” which will be released on Friday (April 28) as “super German-pop-heavy”. “And in my private life there’s a lot more going on than pop music.”

Weiss doubted that his fans could be disappointed. “I think the fans will love it as long as it’s authentic.” He doesn’t want to do German pop for ten years just because it works. “I think music is also something you do to express yourself,” Weiss said.


German Celebrities Hip Hop Music Wincent Weiss
