Win-win: French consumers receive a discount for repairing clothes | Abroad

France is introducing a bonus system to encourage consumers to repair their clothes and worn-out shoes instead of throwing them away and buying new ones. From October, consumers can benefit from a discount of 6 euros to 25 euros per repair.

Bérangère Couillard, Deputy Minister of Ecology, stressed that France sees 700,000 tons of clothes end up in landfills every year and urged “all sewing workshops and shoemakers to join the system”. The program will offer discounts of 7 euros for a new heel and 10 euros 25 euros for a new lining in a jacket, skirt or other garment, with the aim of supporting the repair sector and creating new jobs.

The government will contribute €154 million to fund the bonus scheme over five years. While some have criticized the government’s approach, with business groups warning of the “stigmatisation” and Republican Party MP Eric Pauget complaining about the high debts, the government is determined to tackle the problems of fast fashion.

Refashion, in charge of implementing the program, reports that 3.3 billion garments, shoes and home textiles were put on the market in France alone last year. The fashion industry is one of the largest sectors in France, generating around €66 billion in turnover and thousands of jobs last year. Although France is the EU’s fourth largest fashion exporter, the industry has declined in recent years.

France will also introduce new labeling rules for the clothing industry from January 1, 2024, which describe the environmental impact of each item. Manufacturers must provide information on, among other things, water consumption, use of chemicals, risk of microplastic emissions and the use of recycled textiles.
