Win against Norway: World Games – Beach handball women in the semifinals

Status: 07/13/2022 12:33 p.m

After their success at the World Cup, the German women’s beach handball team also takes care of the World Games caused a sensation in the USA.

The German women’s national team has the World Games made it through to the semi-finals. Coach Alexander Novakovic’s team celebrated their third win in three games against Norway – after falling behind in the game shoot out with 2:1.

The Novakovic selection had previously defeated Mexico (2-0) and Argentina (2-1), followed by duels with Australia and the USA.

Lost first set

The Germans lost the first set against Norway. Despite the almost constant lead up to 10:6, the DHB team had to accept the 12:12 equalization and the goal to 14:16 in the last second. But the newly crowned world champion was not deterred by this, also dominated the second set – and finally brought it to the finish line with 23:16.

The Germans then cheered in the shoot-out. After goals from Isabel Kattner and Belen Gettwart for a 4:2 lead, Susanne Pettersen and Ine Grimsrud on the Norwegian side missed the German goal. In the end, a one-point hit by Lucie Kretzschmar was enough to decide the duel 7:6 for the Novakovic team.

With the win, Germany knocked Norway off the top of the table and is the only undefeated nation at the top.
