Wim Opbrouck writes two books about mental problems: “You can always start over”

Wim Opbrouck writes two books about mental problems: “You can always start over”

In a picture book ‘The love of the humpback whale’, Opbrouck takes on the role of a humpback whale. “If I have to identify myself as an animal, I choose a humpback whale. That is the opera diva of the ocean. It can sing continuously for six days, I can do that too,” says Wim Opbrouck.

“I also get lost sometimes”

The book is the text of his performance ‘I am the whale’ and is about loneliness and being lost. “Yes, sometimes I get lost. But – and I also write that in both books – there is a bright spot somewhere that shows you the way. And usually it is others.”

Wim Opbrouck also wrote the short story ‘He did not know anymore’. A story about an actor who is blacked out on stage during a premiere. “It’s 80 percent autobiographical, but I also fantasized a lot.” That’s why this story is written in the third person. “It seemed easier to me. But I have to be honest, I’ve also had a blackout once. And I had a hard time, but not to the extent that it paralyzed me. Still, it’s a bit like a striker can’t score anymore, a cyclist doesn’t win or a surgeon makes a mistake.”

Power of art

The moral of the story? “That you can always start over. The books are also an ode to our language and the power of our arts. It is always the power of art that can help us, the world.”

But will the stage actor still write books? “No, that’s a lot of work. But I’m very happy with it, though.”

Opbrouck wrote the books at the request of ‘Te Gek’, which supports artistic projects related to mental problems. The books will be in stores from tomorrow.
