Willy Sommers gives concerts for ‘dear neighbors’ in Roeselare

Willy Sommers gives concerts for ‘dear neighbors’ in Roeselare

The Flemish charm singer came to play a mini concert for the neighbours’ day. Traditionally on the last Friday of May, where people are encouraged to socialize with the neighbors. Willy Sommers: “We are going to four places where people have nominated each other as best neighbour. I have to be honest, it is an emotional moment every time.”

Roeselare wants to strengthen the social connective tissue in the street with this day of the neighbours. Mayor Kris Declercq: “130 streets have registered to celebrate the neighbors’ day tonight. In Roeselare we are adding a special to really put people in the spotlight. They have been nominated by their own neighbors. Beautiful, warm stories. In Roeselare we not only have a heat network under the ground, but also above it, as it turns out today.”

Willy thinks it is a successful initiative. “It does mean something to me, those stories. I can’t handle it well. Just now, someone got tears in their eyes, and then I also had a hard time.”
