Williams team boss flirts with Alpine talent Oscar Piastri

Team boss Jost Capito makes no secret of the fact that Williams has his eye on Alpine junior Oscar Piastri to fill his Formula 1 cockpit.

He’s under contract with the French factory team. But: “George Russell was in a similar situation as Oscar is now, that he needed a seat as a Mercedes driver and Mercedes was looking for a team for him so that he could gain experience so that he could go to Mercedes. I think Alpine wants to do the same with Piastri,” said the Williams team boss in an interview with RTL / ntv.

A “loan” from Piastri to Williams is “certainly a possibility, no question,” said Capito. “But we also have to see for the future: If you really want to get to the top, you have to have your own drivers.”

The 63-year-old referred to the Williams Academy for young drivers and Formula 2 driver Logan Sargeant.

The American will have his super license next year, said Capito: “He’s definitely an option because he’s our driver.”

Nicholas Latifi, on the other hand, is unlikely to have a future at Williams beyond the current season.
